You can go your own way

Jess Holliday
5 min readJul 31, 2016


“Welcome to Hogwarts,” he said, as I walked through the gate. “This is going to be an interesting month,” I thought to myself…

Some time ago I decided to throw out plans, to Let Go and just go with the flow. India is massive, and in the beginning, just choosing what direction to go in was hard enough (FML). I soon realised that if I just shut up, sat back and waited, the solution often presented itself. It was then that I really started letting go of any idea of linear, logical, north/south/east/west routes, and instead to listen to my intuition and make this shit up as I go along.

That decision led me in directions I never expected, led me to simply fabulous people and places I might never have met/seen otherwise. By being open to absolutely everything and going with what felt right at the moment meant I never shut any doors.

I just stopped thinking about travelling in geographical terms and instead as a field: I can go in any direction I want, I just have to follow the feeling and find my own way. Plan B was everything else, Plan A was just being present in the moment and going with it.

7 months later, I followed a feeling and flew Guatemala from Nepal to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry. ok ok, Las Piramides School of Yoga, Metaphysics & Meditation in San Marcos La Laguna. They’re the same thing.

I’m halfway through week 2 of the 4-week Moon Course here at Las Piramides, and I’m certain it was the best decision I ever made.

I’m doing Yoga every goddam day, meditating, getting in touch with my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, learning about metaphysics, dimensions, astral travelling, lucid dreams, channelling, Reike, Kirtans, healing techniques, mantras, I’m chanting Om Mani Padme Hum and I understand why, I’m opening my 3rd eye with Ommmmm meditation, I’m learning breathing techniques and Pranayama, I bought a crystal the other day and I’m living in a fucking pyramid!

I feel like Hermione Granger as I note down the instructions for Lucid Dreaming and Astral Travelling, dictated to us from one of the coolest, most authentic 60-ish-year-olds I know off’ve the 70’s (with the best anecdotes, FYI). We’re not even halfway through the course yet, and we’ve still got another 5 dimensions to learn about! It’s fascinating.

I know what you’re thinking… “She’s gone full Hippy now”, and up until very recently, I would have agreed with you.

To back-track a little…

I came to San Marcos two years ago, sat in Shambala coffee shop, observing many cliches around me: Ali baba trousers, dreadlocks, and all Peace and Love maaaan. My friends and I laughed a little at the time, remarking how we thought those kinds of people had died out in the ’90s, and as it turns out they’d all retired to San Marcos to set up organic coffee shops. I scoffed a little, and called them “Hippies”.

Now I’m on the other side of the fence I’m beginning to understand where “they” were coming from, and what they were aiming for, and I’m wondering — when did Hippy become a bad word?

I’ll fully admit that for me it had slightly negative connotations at the time. They were different, perhaps weaker for some reason, I couldn’t express, alternative, running away, new age, definitely out there and something I judged because of ignorance.

Labelling puts us into categories, segregates Us from Them. It happens all over with things like job titles, fashion statements, religion, race, whatever — they’re all just ways we fit in, all different vehicles to use, and all subtly perpetuating apartness, separateness from the Whole, in both positive and negative ways.

I didn’t want to feel separate from my friends or my family just because of a new perspective I was getting, so I began thinking “there should be a new word for this”. I wanted a word that could encapsulate the beautiful essence of what I’m experiencing and seeing so clearly, without having to feel different, or separate, because I’m not different exactly. I’m still me, I’m just becoming more of me.

I’m here with 20 other like-minded people who are just as cool, grounded, funny, and normal as my mates from home. We’re not bonkers, I promise. We haven’t flown away with the fairies. We’re all very grounded, normal people from normal backgrounds (who still take a pinch of salt in their diets), we just all followed a feeling: we’re here because we want to find out more about ourselves, and ultimately to make a positive contribution to the world. If that’s what being a Hippy is all about, then yeah! I’m all for it!

Then I thought about it some more. Why does there need to be a new word or a word at all? By finding a new word I’m just perpetuating that concept of categorisation, the idea of separateness, difference.

So instead, I prefer to think of it like this:

We can be everything. You don’t need to label it, you don’t need to close any doors. Life is a field remember, and we can all go in all directions.

You could be the Grande Fromage of a big corporation, wearing a suit from Monday to Friday, or a person who just really likes video games, whoever, we can all embody the essence of what we’re learning, which is basically a way to be, a way to present yourself in the world for your benefit and to make the world a better place. It doesn’t need a name, you can just Be it, be the example.

Keep the doors open, and Be the change that you want to see.

Om Shanti Shanti Om, peace, peace, peace, love, light, freedom and compassion for all beings, light and blessings for your day, Namaste.


Originally published at on July 31, 2016.



Jess Holliday
Jess Holliday

Written by Jess Holliday

I write about self-realisation, spirituality, consciousness, practical philosophy, life-hacks and productivity.

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